Oh, hi there! As the person behind OOUX, I'd first like to say that I never claimed that the principles behind OOUX are new. It was called OOUI in the 90s. And it definitely it a new take on IA...although if you actually listen to any of my talks—I often say that it could be called OOIA! Now, the methodologies I use and teach: object mapping, the CTA matrix, nav flows, and the ORCA process (stands for objects, relationships, CTAs, and attributes) IS new. Because...I invented these frameworks. They are incredibly valuable, if you give them a chance. And they way of thinking is actually very rare in our industry that is very "verb-focused". Please do a little bit more research on the subject before you go knocking someone's life's work. And something that is revolutionizing how UX teams are designing intuitive software. OOUX is not a rebrand. It's legit, valuable, and should not be dismissed as someone looking to put a marketing spin on IA to make a buck. We are all on the same team here, trying to make technology more humane. And we DO NOT have it figured out. Products are still coming out terrible and design teams are frustrated. We all need to be innovating and looking to improve how we work. I don't claim to have it figure out either—I'm constantly learning and constantly credited those that are influencing and informing my work. Respectfully, Sophia Prater