Curious on what you think is so overly-perscriptive about OOUX? OOUX is just a philosophy that acknowledges that people build understanding by understanding the valuable objects (concepts) in a system and how they connect. The ORCA process is yeahhhhh, 15 steps in it's full glory, but it simply a tool for understanding complexity and synthesize research into solid IA. It's main goal is to facilitate meaningful work and cut out the BS and over-concern with UI design. ORCA stands for Objects, Relationships, CTAs, and Attributes...all of which I hope you agree are meaningful to define in any good system design work.
Also I've always been super clear that those 15 steps are remixable, flexible, and individual steps stand alone and can be used as needed, depending on context.
Feel free to reach out if you want to get on a quick call and I can help you understand OOUX and the deep value it has to our industry and definitely not avoidance of meaningful work! Or maybe I am misunderstanding your comment altogether....Cheers, Sophia